PE Herbarium Type Specimens

Institue of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. Liang1992毛茛属一新变种/A new Variety of Ranunculus prom Jiangxi
W. Wen- Tsai & Liang2009纳帕海毛茛,云南毛茛科一新种/Ranunculus napahaiensis,a new species of Ranunculaceae from Yunnan,China
L. Liang & Xu Ling-ling1997中国毛茛属新分类群及其核型/New Taxa of the Genus Ranunculus from China and Their Karyotypes
J. .G.Liu1994附录,新分类群特征集要/Addenda,Diagnoses Taxorum Novarum
W. Wen- Tsai & Liang-Qian1994中国毛茛科植物小志(十七)/Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus(XVII)
W. Wen- Tsai & Liang-Qian1987中国毛茛科植物小志(十)/Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus(X)
Y. Qin-Er2000云南西北部毛茛属一新种--文采毛茛及其核型/Ranunculus wangianus Q.E.Yang,a new species from NW Yunnan,China and its karyotype
C. .V.B.Marquand1929The Botanical Collection made by Captain F.Kingdon Ward in the Eastern Himalaya and Tibet in 1924-25
W. Wen-Cai2008云南毛茛科新分类群/New Taxa of Ranunculaceae from Yunnan
W. Wen-tsai2007中国云南毛茛科毛茛属一新种----哀牢山毛茛/Ranunculus ailaoshanicus W.T.Wang,a new species of Ranunculaceae from Yunnan,China
W. Wen-tsai1996中国毛茛科植物小志(十九)/Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus(XIX)
W. Wen-tsai1995中国毛茛属修订(一)/A Revision of the Genus Ranunculus in China(I)
W. Wen-tsai1995中国毛茛属修订(二)/A Revision of the Genus Ranunculus in China(II)
W. Wen-tsai1989中国毛茛科植物小志(十三)/Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus(XIII)
W. Wen-tsai1987中国毛茛科植物小志(十二)/Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus(XII)
W. Wen-tsai1986中国毛茛科植物小志(九)/Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus(IX)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith