PE Herbarium Type Specimens

Institue of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Yu Te-Tsun,Lu Ling-Ti,Ku Tsue-Chih & Li Chao-Luan1985中国蔷薇科植物分类之研究(五)/Taxa Nova Rosacearum Sinicarum(V)
Qi Lin,Miao Sun,Qian Sun,Shu-Qing Bei,Hong-Li Li & Zhi-Rong Yang2009Validation of eight names of Chinese taxa in Ranunculaceae,Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae
A. .Batalin1892Notae De Plantis Asiaticis.XIV--XXVII.
L. .Diels1934Miscellanea sinensis Ⅳ
Z. Chun-yang Ding-cheng1997中国蔷薇属一新种/A New Species of Rosa from China
Z. Yi & Shi Chuan-Duo1999山东樱属一新变种------泰山野樱花/A new variety of Cerasus from Shandong,China-----Cerasus serrulata var.taishanensis
Z. - H. Tsi & Peis E.Boufford1990Additions to the Flora of China
H. H. H. & F.H.Chen1951江西植物小志/Notulae ad Floram Kiangsiensem
T. T. Y. & K.C.Kuan1963中国蔷薇科植物分类之研究(一)/Taxa Nova Rosacearum Sinicarum(I)
H. - L. Li1945New Kwangsi Plants
H. - L. Li1944Notes on the Flora of Southern China
L. Lingdi1988《西藏植物志》一个新增补的属------臀果木属/A Supplemental Genus to the flora of Xizang----Pygeum
L. Chao-Luan1989苹果属植物一新种/A New Species of Malus Mill.
Y. Te- Tsun & Chao-Luan1981山莓草属植物之新种/New species of Sibbaldia from China
Y. Te- Tsun & Chao-Luan1980中国委陵菜属植物研究/A Study on the Genus Potentilla of China
Y. Te- Tsun & Chao-Luan1980太行花属-----蔷薇科一新属/Taihangia Yu et Li-----A New Genus of Rosaceae from China
Y. Te- Tsun & Chao-Luan1979国产地榆属植物分类及地榆中药正品考订/The Genus Sanguisorba in China and the Identity of Chinese Drugs,DI-YU
C. .J.Maximowicz1884Diagnoses des nouvelles plantes asiatiques.V.(Avec trois planches.)
C. .J.Maximowicz1881Diagnoses plantarum novarum asiaticarum.IV.
C. .J.Maximowicz1879Ad Florae Asiae orientalis cognitionem meliorem fragmenta contulit
H. Handel-Mazzetti1940Plantae Sinenses XXXVII Rosaceae 1:Potentillinae.
H. .Handel-Mazzetti1939Plantae sinenses a Dre.H.Smith annis 1921-1922,1924 et 1934 lectae.XXXⅦ.H.Handel-Mazzetti.Rosaceae.I.Potentillinae
H. .Handel-Mazzetti1934Plantae Novae Chingianae
H. .Handel-Mazzetti1931广西秦氏新种植物志(二)/Plantae Novae Chingianae,Pars Ⅱ
E. .D.Merrill1934Unrecorded Plants from Kwangtung Province III
E. .D.Merrill1919Additional Notes on the Kwangtung Flora
H. Ikeda & Hi Ohba1999A Systematic Revision of Potentilla L.Section Leptostylae(Rosaceae)in the Himalaya and Adjacent Regions
C. Pao-Lin1980浙江的新植物/Plantae Novae ex Provincia Zhejiang(Chekiang)
L. Qi2008中国被子植物20个名称后选模式指定/Lectotypifications of Twenty Names of Chinese Taxa in Angiospermae
S. Miao & Lin Qi2008蔷薇科五个植物学名后选模式的指定/Lectotypification of five scientific names in Rosaceae
A. Rehder1938New Species,Varieties and Combinations from the Collections of the Arnold Arboretum.
A. Rehder1930New Species,Varieties and Combinations from the Herbarium and the Collections of the Arnold Arboretum
W. O. F. & E. Koehne Rehder1913Rosaceae:Sorbaria,Rubus,Maddenia,Prunus subgen.Padus
S. .S.Chien, .C.Cheng W.1936浙江维管束植物之记载,四/An Enumeration of Vascular Plants from Chekiang (Ⅳ)
K. .S.Hao1938Pflanzengeographische Studien uber den Kokonor-See.und uber das angrenzende Gebiet.
S. A.Spongberg1986Notes on Simple-Leaved Chinese Species of Sorbus(Rosaceae)from Hupei Province
L. Ling-Ti2000中国蔷薇科一些属的种类修订/Notes on species of some genera of Rosaceae,China
L. Ling-Ti1989西南地区绣线菊属和花楸属新植物/New Taxa of Spiraea L.and Sorbus L.from Southwestern China
L. Ling-Ti1984中国桂樱属植物的分类研究/Taxonomic Study on the Genus Laurocerasus Tourn.ex Duh.of China
Y. Te- Tsun & Ling-Ti1982中国蔷薇科植物分类之研究(四)/Taxa Nova Rosacearum Sinicarum(Ⅳ)
Y. Te- Tsun & Ling-Ti1982中国蔷薇科植物分类之研究(四)(续)/Taxa Nova Rosacearum Sinicarum(Ⅳ)(Cont.)
X. Tian-lu2000贵州蔷薇属一新种/A new species of Rosa L.(Rosaceae) from Guizhou,China
T. T. Y. & H.T.Tsai1936中国蔷薇科植物之研究(一)/Contribution to the Knowledge of Chinese Rosaceae(I)
T. T. Y. & H.T.Tsai1936Contribution to the Knowledge of Chinese Rosaceae(I).No.3
T. T. Y. & H.T.Tsai1936Contribution to the Knowledge of Chinese Rosaceae
K. Tsue-chih1991横断山区虎耳草科和蔷薇科新植物/New Taxa of Saxifragaceae and Rosaceae from the Hengduan Mountains
K. Tsue-chih1990中国蔷薇科植物分类之研究(六)/Taxa Nova Rosacearum Sinicarum(Ⅵ)
K. Tsue-chih1990中国蔷薇科新植物/New Taxa of Rosaceae from China
Y. Te- Tsun & Tsue-Chih1981中国蔷薇科植物分类之研究(三)/Taxa Nova Rosacearum Sinicarum(Ⅲ)
L. Ling- Ti & Te-Tsun1980西藏蔷薇科新植物/Taxa Nova Rosacearum Xizangensium


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith