PE Herbarium Type Specimens

Institue of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. - H. Hu & Wan- C. Cheng1948Some New Trees from Yunnan
W. - C. Cheng1938A New Chinese Styrax
W. - Y. Chun & Fai Chun1935Notes on some Chinese Styracaceae
W. - Y. Chun1934Contributions to the Flora of Kwangtung and South-Eastern China(1)
H. Hsen-Hsu1963中国森林树木小志(一)/Notulae ad Floram Silvaticam Sinensem(I)
H. - H. Hu1951云南一种新芮德木/A New Species of Rehderodendron from Yunnan
H. - H. Hu1935中国植物分类小志六/Notulae Systematicae ad Florem Sinensium VI
H. .H.Hu1935A new Huodendron from Yunnan
H. .H.Hu1934中国植物分类小志五/Notulae Systematicae ad Florem Sinensium V.
H. - H. Hu1932四川安息香科之新属新种/Rehderodendron,A New Genus of Styracaceae from Szechuan
H. - H. Hu1931A New Rehderodendron from Kweichow
H. .H.Hu1930Notulae Systematicae ad Floram Sinensem,II
H. .H.Hu1928Sinojackia,A New Genus of Styracaceae from Southeastern China
H. - L. Li1944New or Noteworthy Plants from Southwestern China
J. .Perkins1902Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Styracaceae
A. Rehder1930New Species,Varieties and Combinations from the Herbarium and the Collections of the Arnold Arboretum
H. .Sleumer1935Vermischte Diagnosen.II
W. .W.Smith1914Diagnoses Specierum novarum in herbario Horti Regii Botanici Edinburgensis cognitarum (Species chinenses)LI-CII
E. D. M. & W.Y.Chun1930Contributions to our knowledge of the Kwangtung flora
E. D. Mand W.Y.Chun0Additions to our knowledge of the Hainan flora II
T. Yancheng1988横断山区旌节花科、安息香科、忍冬科新分类群/New Taxa of Stachyuraceae,Styracaceae and Caprifoliaceae from the Hengduan Mountains
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith