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Authors | Title | Year of Publication |
S.F. Wu | Keys to the Vascular Plants of the Wuling Mountain | 1995 |
R.C. Ching | Filices Novae Sinenses Generis Arachniodes Bl. | 1986 |
H. Yin-tang | New Taxa of Arachniodes Blume in China (II) | 1986 |
X. Yin-tang | Four New Species of Arachniodes Blume from China | 1984 |
H. Yin-tang | New Taxa of Arachniodes Blume in China (I) | 1984 |
; S.K. Wu | Flora Xizangica | 1983 |
R.C. Ching | New Ferns from Jiulungshan, S. W. Zhejiang Province | 1982 |
Cet Hsu | Flora Tsinlingensis | 1974 |
Cet C.H. Wang | Additional Materials for the Pteridophytic Flora of Hainan | 1964 |